Monthly Archives: July 2012

It has begun

A conversation between Una and Mark yesterday afternoon…

{Una has brought into the house the long rod that used to hold the bicycle flag. Once upon a time it lived on her bicycle but was gently removed ripped out  by a little person who shall not be named. She is swinging it violently around our living room}

Mark: “Una, please take that stick outside” X 46372347

Una: {all kinds of whoosh and swish sounds}

Mark: “Una take the stick outside and leave it there!”

Una (a.k.a The Master of Finding Excuses): “Daddy if I do that Nestor will find the stick and poke his eye out!”

Mark {not quite listening to what she is saying and registering it as yet another excuse}: “UNA, take that stick outside or you are going to go to the corner!”

Una: “Well, Daddy, which would be worse?”

In other news, we are *almost* de-jet lagged. 3am wakings and 4am breakfasts are hopefully behind us. The photo below is taken during the process…



Filed under Out of the mouths of babes, Siblings love, They are outsmarting us

We haven’t fallen off the Earth!

Hello from The Land Down Under! We’ve made it semi-alive through 4 airports, 3X7 hour flights, an 8 hour layover and the temperature difference of +15/-20C. We had a “what the hell were we thinking” moments a couple of times and a few dirty looks from the fellow passengers (on the first flight Nestor made a loud sound and a girl in her twenties called out the JC guy but was quickly put in her place by Mark) but overall it really wasn’t too bad.
Having made it here, I have one thing to say – toddler jet lag sucks. Una has adjusted wonderfully, within one day she was fully on Aussie time. Nestor on the other hand, oh my goodness. The first day he went to sleep at 7pm and we were over the moon thinking wow, his usual bed time, fantastic. Two hours later he was awake and had no intention of going back to sleep. This is when it hit us – this was his midday nap! The same thing happened the second day. We will see what Day 3 brings. He and I are also a bit under the weather which is not helping.
So far we’ve been catching up with the family and have explored the neigbourhood a bit but haven’t ventured anywhere far yet. Tomorrow we are hoping to be back to normal, sort of, and then we are off to explore this beautiful place. Mark is shocked how much the area here reminds him of South Africa.
Hope to be back in a few days with some photos!

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Filed under Family, Holidays